Prosper202 Tokens

One of the poweful features of Prosper202 Pro is the ability to use a whole variaty of tokens as dynamic placeholders. This tokens can be used on almost any type of link place in Prosper202 Pro. This includes:

All pixel and postback urls in Step 1
Your campaign tracking links in Step 3
Your Simple Landing Page Url

Here's a full list of Prosper202 Tokens

[[subid]] - The subid is the most important token for most users, and is automatically generated by Prosper202 Pro. This is a unique click id generated on each click, that must usually be passed in your campaign tracking link in order to ensure accurate tracking of conversions

[[c1]] [[c2]] [[c3]] [[c4]] - These are the tokens for the c1-c4 custom variables. Their values are picked up from the &c1= url parameters. For example if you set &c1=test123 on your tracking link, the [[c1]] would be replaced by test123.

[[random]] - A random 9 digit number, this acts like a cache buster

[[referer]] - A the referer URL for the click. Many times this can be automatically detected by the network, but this is useful in cases where you need to specifically send the referer to the network or advertiser via a custom subid parameter.

[[sourceid]] - This is a unique numerical id for each of your traffic source accounts. Pass this value to enable your network or advertiser to segment and determine the quality of each traffic source.

[[gclid]] - This is the unique gclid value automatically generated by Google Adwords.

[[utm_source]] - This contains the value that was passed in the utm_source url parameter of your tracking links

[[utm_medium]] - This contains the value that was passed in the utm_medium url parameter of your tracking links

[[utm_campaign]] - This contains the value that was passed in the utm_campaign url parameter of your tracking links

[[utm_term]] - This contains the value that was passed in the utm_term url parameter of your tracking links

[[utm_content]] - This contains the value that was passed in the utm_content url parameter of your tracking links

[[payout]] - The payout amount of the offer. This is pulled from the payout you set in step 3.

[[cpc]] - The cpc for the click, it comes from the cpc value you setup on step 8 when generating your tracking link. This value is rounded up to 2 decimal points

[[cpc2]] - The cpc for the click, it comes from the cpc value you setup on step 8 when generating your tracking link. This value is not rounded, and is ideal for ppv values

[[timestamp]] - The current unix timestamp, for example 1452008043